Bernie Keogh, Managing Director of Alternatives, Ireland’s leading marketing talent business, is a Henley qualified executive coach. Bernie has worked in our community for over 20 years helping people progress their careers and is passionate about the marketing and advertising industry.
Bernie is a highly empathetic leader who will help you navigate these tricky times and provide you with some relevant career tips and skillsets that will help you to stay motivated and active in framing and taking control of your future.
smash Your Future is aimed at any members who are anxious about their future career or indeed their current role. This webinar is open to all our members, and it is important to note that if you have colleagues who have been recently let go, impacted by the coronavirus, furloughed, etc., they may find this content useful, so please share the video link.
PLEASE NOTE - anyone who was employed by IAPI members prior to COVID will be eligible to take advantage of the smash programme for the remainder of this year so, please can you reach out to anyone who has been affected in your team and let them know.