The IAPI Board have restructured how we operate from Jan 2022 around our three priorities for next year. They are TALENT, GROWTH, SUSTAINABILTY.
Talent covers the following SDGs:
- Good Health and Wellbeing
- Quality Education
- Reduced Inequalities
Growth covers the following SDGs:
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainability covers the following SDGs:
- Responsible Consumption & Production
- Climate Action
A number of current or upcoming IAPI initiatives fit under each of these SDGs. Please see below chart for reference or you can watch the 24 Nov 2021 AGM online or download the presentation here.
These new priorities have led to a restructuring of how the Board and Councils of IAPI function. Instead of setting up councils that meet regularly for each individual area, we have agreed to be more efficient and work on specific initiatives, with the Board members responsible for each priority calling on the expertise of the newly established IAPI Advisory Panel as and when needed.
The IAPI Advisory Panel therefore will be made up of a diverse group of approximately 20-25 industry specialists, who have expressed an interest in a specific area of IAPI activity. Each individual will serve a maximum of two years as part of this advisory group. Over the course of the year, various initiatives and projects will be instigated by the Board who will call on those members of the Panel that have the relevant skills.
A number of IAPI members have already joined the Panel and they are listed below. These have migrated from existing Councils such as D&I, Media and Future Heads.
However, we are now calling on all other members to put themselves forward if they feel their skill sets would be needed or they have a passionate interest in a particular industry issue or challenge. If you would like to put yourselves forward to join the panel, please email, letting her know what your skill sets are and your areas of interest and she will respond accordingly.