It goes without saying that the last year has made being a parent (which can be one of the most important, difficult & rewarding jobs you will ever have) all the more challenging thanks to a combination of lockdowns, working from home and school closures/home schooling.

smash has teamed up with Spectrum.Life, your EAP provider, to present this one hour webinar to reflect on and discuss the experience of parenting in a pandemic and answer questions from the webinar audience.

Anita Fletcher, Spectrum's resident Parenting Coach discusses the key challenges and offers her top tips in a panel discussion with IAPI members/parents including Fiona Field, MD, OMD Ireland, Vaunnie McDermott, Client Service & Business Director, Connelly Partners, and John Mathews, Head of Finance, In the Company of Huskies.

We hope you'll be able to gain some valuable advice from this session.

"Brilliant Session, thanks so much for that, it was really really helpful".
"Brilliant Session, thanks so much for that, it was really really helpful".


The first podcast is titled 'Empowerment Through Routine' and you can click on this link to playback.

The second is titled 'Technology, the Pros and Cons' and can be accessed here.

The final podcast is 'Building Resilience and Independence' and is available through this link.

Please note that your smash EAP provides you with expert advisors on legal, parenting, health/fitness and career matters as well as their one to one counselling services. Click below to access smash EAP