It goes without saying that the last year has made being a parent (which can be one of the most important, difficult & rewarding jobs you will ever have) all the more challenging thanks to a combination of lockdowns, working from home and school closures/home schooling.
smash has teamed up with Spectrum.Life, your EAP provider, to present this one hour webinar to reflect on and discuss the experience of parenting in a pandemic and answer questions from the webinar audience.
Anita Fletcher, Spectrum's resident Parenting Coach discusses the key challenges and offers her top tips in a panel discussion with IAPI members/parents including Fiona Field, MD, OMD Ireland, Vaunnie McDermott, Client Service & Business Director, Connelly Partners, and John Mathews, Head of Finance, In the Company of Huskies.
We hope you'll be able to gain some valuable advice from this session.