The sixth and final module in the IAPI / TU Dublin Post Grad Education Programme is focused on honing your abilities and understanding of the skillsets required for Leadership in Commercial Creative Communications. This course is concerned with facilitating an understanding of, and an ability to apply leadership theory and best practices in work roles. The module will deal with Leadership Theories with particular focus on challenges faced by, and expectations of, leaders in a contemporary context.
DON’T FORGET, you need 5+ years of industry experience to participate in this module if you did not take part in CPD 1 - Contemporary Marketing & Communications.
This online CPD Course is heavily subsidised by IAPI and takes place Sep 7/8/9
IAPI Members - €850
Non IAPI Members - €1050
Please note that places are limited. For more information and to apply, please click here>>
This leadership course focuses on an overview and comprehension of:
- The inter-relationships between other business functions and processes which support and underpin creative commercial communications.
- Defending materials that articulate ideas, insights, analysis and policy to peer and practitioner audiences, using cutting-edge technology.
- Interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiation, persuasion, and presentation.
- A capacity to participate, collaborate and, if charged, direct in complex team environments.
- A critical understanding of the general ethical implications of job roles and responsibilities in a business and wider societal context.
Dr. Serge Basini, is a senior lecturer in Behavioural Science in Technological University Dublin. He is a registered qualified psychometrist with the British Psychological Society (RQTU) and the European Federation of Psychologists Association for Work and Organizational assessment (EFPA). In the last 25 years he has worked with companies such as VHI, IAA, Musgrave Group, DAA, ICOS on their management development programmes.
He has published and presented nationally and internationally on topics such as the meaning of working, absenteeism management, flexibility in the Irish labour market, parent-child purchase relationships & pester power, and enhancing quality in qualitative research.
Dr. Ashley O’Donoghue, is Head of Post Graduate Business, Graduate Business School, TU Dublin and is the Programme Director of the TU Dublin MBA. Ashley was awarded the 2011 Brother International PhD Scholarship from Dublin City University to research the influence of leadership style on employee emotions, engagement and well-being at work. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and H.Dip. Ed. from Maynooth University and a Masters in Human Resource Strategies and PhD from Dublin City University.
She is committed to supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in organisations and has worked with diverse stakeholders including senior management, employee groups and social partners to design and implement equality strategy and actions plans.
Dr Colin Hughes is Head of the Graduate Business School at TU Dublin, where he has spent the best part of 20 years in various lecturing, programme management and leadership roles. Colin’s passion is customised executive education and he has designed and managed programmes for leading Irish and international organisations, including Musgrave, Oracle, Ibec, Enterprise Ireland and Workday, to name a few.
Colin’s research focuses on trust, leadership and hybrid working. He has published numerous book chapters, articles and blogs on these topics and regularly delivers specialist workshops and seminars within organisations. He holds a PhD from the University of Birmingham (Trust and Leadership in Virtual teams) along with an MPhil (Training and Development in Financial Services), PgDiploma Third Level Learning and Teaching and BSc. Marketing from TU Dublin and is PRINCE2 qualified.
- Jane McDaid, Founder + Head of Creative Innovation, THINKHOUSE
- Deirdre Waldron, CEO, TBWA/Dublin
- Brian Melarkey, Executive Creative Director, Fleishman Hillard
- Michael Clancy, Chief Operating Officer, Core
- Thora Mackey, CDir, Board Director, Chapter Zero Ireland - Thora will provide students with an understanding of the importance of Corporate Governance within your business.

As part of your leadership assessment, participants will take the NEO (Primary Colours Leadership) personality inventory.
NEO is recognised internationally as a gold standard for personality assessments and provides a detailed personality description that can be a valuable resource for a variety of professionals. The NEO is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality, as well as the six traits or facets that define each domain. Taken together the five domain scales facilitate a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality.
The reports the participants receive aims to enhance their understanding of how personality helps and hinders in developing leadership competence. It explores appetite for leadership, the style of leadership thinking to which they are temperamentally most suited, and how aspects of natural style can increase or reduce both general effectiveness as a leader and potential effectiveness in dealing with specific leadership tasks.omain scales facilitate a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality.