As part of our Shaping the Next Generation initiative, IAPI brought in two TY students from NEIC for a week long internship at our office. Here is what Katie and Ruby had to say:
" Hello we are Katie & Ruby, we are students from Larkin Community College currently in Transition year.
We’ve completed our work experience in IAPI and we are here to tell you all about it!
During our week of work experience we worked on client management with Keith and Graphic and Creative Design with Amy."
"Then Social Media and Event Planning meeting with Shreesha working on our TY takeover on IAPI's Instagram platform. We also spoke with the wonderful Charley who is the CEO of IAPI. We learnt about public speaking and on delivering powerpoint presentations.
At the end of the session we were given an assignment to do a 3 minute talk about your favourite thing to do. We both gave a talk on Dance and Makeup that are big passions of ours!"
"We also sat down with Katherine and spoke about advertising and different campaigns. We were given an assignment to make our own campaign, which will try to encourage more TY students to come to IAPI to do work experience and have an insight to a different career."
"On the Wednesday we attended the AGM. It was great to be in a professional setting with big agencies. We got to witness the appointment of the new president Abi Moran while Sean Hynes the current president stepped down and announced the completion of his term.
We visited one of IAPI's member agencies, Verve, which is very close to the IAPI Offices. We were very impressed by how cool their office was. Thanks to IAPI for such a great week."