Awarding Ideas That Work
Awarding Ideas That Work

The Effie Awards measure effectiveness of campaigns that ran in Ireland. They are globally recognised as a measure of effectiveness in marketing. The programme has been around since 1968 and currently operates 55 programmes globally, covering 125+ markets.

The first Effie Awards Ireland competition ran in Ireland in 2021, the second in 2023.

For this effectiveness analysis to ensure the data was up to date, we took the findings from 2023. There were 20 winning cases, but some of them were entries that were included in more than one category. Only one set of results were included for cases that had more than one entry.

To ensure the validity of any ‘effectiveness campaign’, we only included data that supported a commercial impact (leaving out anything that measured softer/intention metrics like awareness, consideration etc), thus we focussed on cases that demonstrated real commercial gain through:

  • Sales Uplift
  • Value Share
  • Increased Customer Base


Across the cases, the average impact was:

  • Sales Uplift +16%
  • Value Share +4.7 percentage points
  • Customer Base +23%
IAPI Member Agencies Deliver Real Business Results
IAPI Member Agencies Deliver Real Business Results

To learn more about the results that IAPI Member Agencies can provide for your business, check out our 2023 Case Study Booklet>>

IAPI would like to thank all the entrants for their participation, and for allowing IAPI to publish this comprehensive body of work, demonstrating the very best of creative effectiveness within the Irish market.

Effie Entries from 2023 also underwent Effectiveness Testing with Red C Research and you can view the results of that research here>>

If you want to see Real Business Results - Why not Advertise?

If you want to learn more about our IAPI Member Agencies and what they can do for your business, check out out full list of member agencies here>>

Selecting and appointing an agency is a time-intensive process for the marking department, the agency and pitch consultants, so please do also take a look at our IAPI Charter for Agency Selection that helps you make that decision. Please carefully review the PRINCIPLES for marketers, agencies and pitch consultants that are included within this charter.

Campaign Credits
Campaign Credits

Our sincere thanks to all those involved in bringing this campaign to fruition for our industry.

This would also not be possibly without the great support of a variety of media partners including:

Listen to the radio campaign on the links below>>