Battle of the Bands, Adland’s most sought after trophy is back for 2015, so get your skinnies on.

Thursday October 15, 2015 in the Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay.

Raising money for charity; this year the return of BOTB sees the proceeds going to the Simon Community, and in memory of the very much missed and loved Sinead Kavanagh, Console.

Console offered much needed solace to Sinead’s family following her illness, and Sinead was a big fan of Battle of the Bands.   Never missing an event, and always trying to convince the agency she was working in to enter.

There are, of course, rules to the competition, and Pull The Trigger will forward those rules on to all interested agencies. Max Brady can be contacted at 01 476 0488 for further details.   She would like to remind everyone that the event is about fun and taking part….the vote cheating and the attempting to win the crown off current, and repeated holders, Chemistry, is entirely incidental.