The Alternatives Marketing at Work Pulse Survey
The Alternatives Marketing at Work Pulse Survey

The Alternatives Marketing at Work Pulse Survey was carried out from 27th April - 5th May 2020, to explore how the current pandemic is impacting the marketing community professionally and personally. It was completed by 442 marketing professionals, from junior to director level, across 20+ sectors, working in large and small companies.

Key findings show that despite a volatile working environment, with employment and salaries impacted, marketers are proving resilient and are coping well with the crisis, working from home.

In terms of changes to employment, salary and job security and work environment:
In terms of changes to employment, salary and job security and work environment:
  • 70% of respondents have had no change to employment status yet. 15% have been made redundant or laid off on a short term basis. 13% are working reduced hours. Those working in smaller firms are particularly impacted.
  • 1 in 3 have had a salary cut, increasing to 46% of those at Director level.
  • 53% feel secure in their roles. 21% feel insecure.
  • 3 in 4 anticipate a negative future impact on their organisation. 17% see some positive future impact.
  • Marketers roles have changed, with more focus on Covid crisis management and response, strategy & planning, communications and remote team management.
How people are coping and adapting:
How people are coping and adapting:
  • Most rate themselves as coping well- average score of 7 out of 10.
  • Working from home is generally working well. Only 7% say it doesn’t work for them or their role.
  • Difficulties experienced include missing colleagues, managing work and children, coping without proper office set up.
  • Main worries are job security, health of elderly or vulnerable relatives & finances.
  • Some positives include less commuting, less frenetic pace of life, more family/home time.

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The new Alternatives Pulse Survey is also available to download here.