Takeouts from Our Self Care While Working Remotely Session
Takeouts from Our Self Care While Working Remotely Session

We were delighted to see so many members login to our Zoom session on "Self Care While Working Remotely" on Thursday the 9th of April.

For those of you who didn't make it we've pulled the key tips, the presentation and the audio file together here in this blog for you.

If you have any further queries regarding this session or would like to contact out host Maura Byrne directly she can be reached at maura@yourbusinesssmartcoach.net

Maura is a qualified Life Coach (2002), a qualified Leadership & Executive Coach (Kingstown College), a Behavioural Analyst (TTI Success Insights), a Marketing Graduate, an Entrepreneur and a Published Writer.

She presented her top ten tips for Self Care while we are all adjusting to the current 'new normal' of conducting our day to day business remotely. We have attached the presentation here.

You can playback the audio from this ZOOM session here.

Steps To Emotional Resilience
Steps To Emotional Resilience

Pay it Back

One of the top tips to come out of the presentation focused on the idea of getting involved in something external to your own world.

This plays into the concept of paying it on. That we can benefit our own mental health by being compassionate both to yourself and others. Take a look at how you can help the larger world, join supports for the elderly, listen intently, help where you can.

Here are some of the web links that were recommended by members for volunteer sites -



Meditate Daily

While we try focus on the outside world in a healthy way, we also need to focus on ourselves in a healthy self affirming manner.

Many of the participants today had some great suggestions for meditation apps and places to go when you need that bit of self care and head space to block out the outside world.

Check out www.wearemune.com for free meditation / mindfulness 15min classes.

Lots of great free resources here including headspace app etc for mindfulness - https://covid19.shanehastings.eu/giveback/