These days, consumer forecasting can feel a bit like looking the wrong way through a telescope. The future seems very far away indeed. But don't worry if that's how you feel because your customers feel the same.

It's also why economic forecasts are all over the place - some economists think consumer spending won't return to 2019 levels until 2022 or later - while others predict it will bounce back next year. Which isn't much help if you must convince your CFO to give you a bigger marketing budget for 2021.

Like Laurence Olivier in 'Marathon Man', your customers (and probably your CFO) want an answer to just one question: 'Is it safe?'

To help you answer the question (and keep your teeth) Amárach's latest report analyses the challenges and opportunities facing Irish consumers and how they have adjusted to unprecedented changes that will shape the timing, speed and nature of any recovery in consumer markets in 2021.

The latest report updates trend data through to November and maps out three pathways to the future - Recovery, Relapse & Reset - each of which will create their own unique opportunities for success and growth: and convince your customers that it is safe.

Combine the Great Acceleration with the New Abnormal and it looks like Irish consumer markets are in for further turbulence, even after (if?) the vaccine becomes widely available.

Visit Amárach Research for more recent reports connecting brands to customers.