Who is on the Committee?

Patrick Meade, Managing Director of Boys & Girls and Jimmy Murphy, Director of Publicis are mixing up the pitching committee this year.

What is the Committee concerned with?
Normally, we’re concerned with improving the pitch process and we’ve had some notable victories in this regard in the last year. This time however, the theme is the not pitching. We feel that far too much good work, money and emotional energy is expended on pitches that never needed to happen. It’s debilitating for agencies and ultimately, the good clients have to pick up the bill in the form of increased agency cost.

What are our Goals and Objectives in 2016?
The objectives for this year are to run a series of initiatives to help clients and agencies work out their differences. This will include highlighting the downside of pitching, giving both clients and agencies solid advice on working things out and also hero’ing the good relationships; clients and agencies who’ve been blissfully happy (or even had their ups and downs) and emerged stronger and more effective.

The Work Plan
We’ll start off proceedings with a survey to work out the real cost of pitching in April/May, we’ll follow up with a video of advice from solid agency and client relationships in the summer and we’ll end the year with an event showcasing the success stories.

Get in touch!

As always, we welcome your input. The first thing you can do is respond to the survey when you get it. If you would like to contact us in the meantime, please do –