IAPI are thrilled to announce that Ireland has won two student placements from two Irish Colleges for the 2023 Roger Hatchuel Academy.
Ben Holmes from Maynooth University and Niamh Bakker from TU Dublin will be accompanying our 14 Cannes Young Lions winners in June to travel to Cannes and attend five days of exceptional learning during the Cannes Lions Festival.
The Roger Hatchuel Academy is a unique learning experience designed to help students interested in pursuing a creative path in advertising launch their careers.
30 students from around the world, have won their place in this year’s classroom with selected candidates learning first-hand from the world’s greatest brands, creative minds and industry leaders.
Why did you want to apply for the Cannes Lions RHA bursary?
"I applied for the Cannes Lions RHA bursary through one of my college marketing modules, from both my lecturer and Keith from IAPI. I do media studies in college alongside marketing and I generally have a real passion for both media and marketing and advertising. When I heard about Cannes Lions Roger Hatchuel Academy and the application for it, I knew that it was something I was going to put energy and time into and that I really wanted to apply to. I think any opportunity I do get to create or express myself I tend to take, and getting chosen for RHA is just a bonus past that point."
What are your expectations ahead of travelling down to Cannes to attend the academy?
"I honestly don’t have many expectations, I’ve barely processed it or had the chance to think about going to Cannes and getting this chance. I know it’s going to be great and that it’s going to be an enlightening and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but I think I’m keeping my mind open and letting it sink in slowly!"
Why did you want to apply for the Cannes Lions RHA bursary?
"I applied to the Cannes Lions Roger Hatchuel Academy because it is Aries season and my year to live my best life. With that attitude, I am putting myself forward for everything to make the most out of this year and my master's program. I was lucky to be the recipient of the Breakthrough Scholarship, where I got to stay in Yugo accommodation, study my masters in TU Dublin, and work in THINKHOUSE. With my undergraduate being in Fine Arts, I am working extremely hard to complete my master's in Digital Marketing. When this opportunity to attend the Academy came up, I just had to apply. I want to further my education in strategy and planning with world-class mentors and professionals. The extra bonus of travel to Cannes, makes the opportunity much more exciting."
What are your expectations ahead of travelling down to Cannes to attend the academy?
"I expect the whole week to be filled with pure fun and joy and be really busy. It is also exciting that there are two of us going from Ireland, so I expect the travel to and from the Academy to be so much fun. I hope to have the best summer in Cannes with equally bubbly and energetic young people. I also expect my mam to call me every day while I am over there because she will be envious of the adventure but supporting me from home."
We want to extend our congratulations to both Ben and Maynooth University and Niamh and TU Dublin. It is a huge achievement to be selected to attend the RHA academy.
The programme helps students explore the various avenues and creative spaces they could work in after graduating.
Throughout the week students will unlock a greater understanding of each other, the world and the nature of the industry.
As Ciara Gilmartin, a previous attendee to the academy put it, "I didn’t realise how much I’d get out of it, it was incredible. By the end of the week, I had a global network of young creatives."