Life has changed utterly, which can feel very overwhelming and confusing. This evidence-based method, which boosts our well-being when dealing with setbacks and crises, is a healthy and sustainable response to what’s happening around us. At the core of the concept are three simple messages

Show Up, Let Go & Get Moving!

This presentation explains how to build each into your daily routine, in a way that works for you and your personal circumstances. Workplace Psychologist Dr. Richard MacKinnon will provides an introduction to ‘Psychological Flexibility’ - a set of key skills to help us all deal with the present coronavirus pandemic.

Values Identification
Values Identification

As you will see when you review the presentation, a large part of what gives us the ability to actually wade our way through the current situation as our true selves is the ability to identify who we are and what our values are.

Dr. Richard MacKinnon has kindly made his Values ID Tool available to us all here. Simply download the deck. It's a practical exercise and he recommends you print off the cards attached, take a half hour or so and work your way through the process of values identification. Its often a shock when we see the results but certainly a worthwhile exercise!

Print out the pdf and cut each box out. Then use the cards “Important to Me,” “Not Important to Me,” and “Very Important to Me” as column headings. Go through the rest of the cards and place them next to one of the importance cards, as appropriate. Remember, these are YOUR values, not anyone else’s. Next, look at the cards under “Very Important to Me.” Put them in order. It can be helpful to repeat the process and drill down to your top 3 values. Once completed you can then personally access how authentically you are currently reflecting these values in your life.


Huge apologies, I know many of you were looking for the recording of this webinar. The file was corrupted when I downloaded it and I am currently working with ZOOM in an attempt to retrieve it. We will make the recording available if and when we get it.