For decades, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in Ireland has had at least one agency person on their ad complaints independent adjudicating committee to give their objective input, and expertise. As the independent self-regulatory organisation overseeing advertising standards, we are looking for a nomination for an individual with an agency background, ideally with digital experience in creative or planning.

And what do they get to do? The ASA Executive do all the heavy lifting – thoroughly investigating individual ad complaints and then selecting some for drafting a proposed adjudication that industry and non-industry committee members get to read in advance of getting around the table (virtual is optional) and discuss – some seemingly straightforward cases can lead to open discussion and exchanges of different perspectives and views before reaching a final decision.

The adjudicating group generally meet every two months for 90 minutes or so, steered under the chairmanship of Brian O’Gorman (ex-Managing Partner, Arthur Cox solicitors). With a renewed impetus and focus from our recent strategic plans, our brand refresh, and aim of fostering trust in advertising, lending some agency expertise and time to keep our standards high and robust would be very welcomed. Past industry adjudicating members always found the role really interesting, worthwhile and enjoyable.

Expressions of interest can be made to Charley Stoney, CEO, IAPI – or if anyone would like some more insights before committing, then can drop an email to Orla Twomey, Chief Executive,, for an informal conversation.